The mood of the students depends on the status of teachers

Canadian scientists say that emotional state of teachers depends on the development of stress in school children. There, in the course of the study 100 students of classes 4-7 it was found that those teachers, who have a strong emotional burnout, subjected his disciples to powerful stress. Scientists have testified that the depression of the students depends on the teachers mood and emotional atmosphere in the classroom. At the same time, the very unstable emotional state of teachers are directly related to low wages and sometimes poor working conditions. What do You think about this?

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In my opinion the emotional atmosphere in classoorm depends on both students and teacher, but since teacher gives a lead of a class, he has influence on student`s behavior, thus it depends more on teacher how students behave and respond to a lesson.

I think not only teachers influence on the students, but students influence on the teachers. We are all people and we feel emotions of the people. It is really difficult to explain but you feel mood of another man. It seems like a resonance. 

Your mood depends on your own thoughts,feelings, and inner motivation -70%,and on outer factors -30%,I think 

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